Palestinian and Israeli trainers share gratitude for “circle Ways”

Receiving these testimonials from trainers in Israel and Palestine was humbling and touching. Hearing from Israeli teacher Aura Hammer and Palestinian Amutat Maagal Hakshavam brought home to potential and power of this work, even at times of great strife and conflict.

Here’s what these wonderful trainers shared:

“On a personal level I am happy to begin this by saying that Joe Provisor was my first Council teacher, 20 years ago, here in Israel. When Ronit Rinat invited Joe to teach Council here to educators I was hesitant about joining, but after a weekend of intensive training I was in. Today I am a facilitator, a trainer and an active member of the Council NGO in Israel, because I have made Council my way of life.

Joe taught how to create and hold meaningful connection in a clear and simple way: a child can understand it, an adult can get the deeper implications. This many leveled way of teaching went straight to my heart.

But Joe’s work went much farther than that. Once you are Joe’s student, it is for life. Even though there are thousands of miles and many hours separating us, Joe was always there for us here in Israel. He offers zoom teaching councils to educators, he offers mentoring and support privately, he is constantly creating and learning how to deepen and strengthen the work of Council in education, and always shares what he finds with his students and peers. In short, Joe embodies Council, holding and maintaining the relationship with us over years.

Thank you Joe for being and doing with us in Israel and in the world.”


And… from Itaf Awad and Amutat Maagal Hakshava, Palestinian participants in Council Training:

Many years ago I had already learned council here, but wanted to know more about Council in education, and contacted Joe. He invited me to join a council for teachers in California via Skype, and so I became part of the circle of teachers, each teacher passing the laptop together with the talking piece so I could share in the circle. Later I came to California, and joined them physically, finally meeting Joe and the teachers face to face. This was so meaningful for me – they opened their hearts to me even though I wasn’t part of their staff or community, it felt like family, acceptance, and was very special to me.

As a Palestinian I feel the urgency to bring Council to people in the Middle East, as the only Arabic speaking Council trainer. I have always received support in this from Joe, whether he offers me materials, or mentoring in educational councils, he is always there when I need him, even meeting a school principal on zoom with me. Just now Joe has been meeting with me on zoom each week to mentor me with a particularly challenging council process with at risk teens.

I am very thankful for all this support and commitment over the years, for his always being in service of the Way of Council. 




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