research and studies
2001 WestEd Study for Council at Palms Middle School
2005 WestEd Study for Council at Palms Middle School
2006-7 WestEd first-year study for LAUSD
2007-8 WestEd second-year study for LAUSD
2008-9 Final WestEd study for 15 schools in LAUSD
2018 USC Keck School of Medicine study of the Diabetes Empowerment Council
2020 Newcastle University: Centre of Excellence and Equity in Higher Education, International Network on Gender, Social Justice and Praxis
theses, dissertations, and articles in our council tradition
"Applying Council in a University Human Development Course," Dr. Betsy Perluss (2011)
Introduction of a Dialogue Group in a Contemporary, Conservative Jewish Synagogue, Cheryl Hashman Sheinman (2000)
"Listening from the Heart, Speaking from the Heart": Using Council to Transform the Middle School Classroom (UCLA Master's Thesis), Leah Raphael (2008)
Psychospiritual Group Work: The Impact of a Talking Circle Training Program on Emotional and Spiritual Intelligences (Dissertation), Dr. Micael Gonzalez (2012)
The Impact of Council on Early Adolescents (Dissertation), Dr. Denise Jaimes-Villanueva (2012)
The Way of Council: A Narrative Inquiry Exploring Council as a Spiritual Path (Dissertation), Dr. Leonelda Castillo (2017)
Can Holding a Talking Stick Improve Listening at Work? The Effect of Listening Circles on Employees' Emotions and Cognitions (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Guy Itzchakov and Avraham N. Kluger
"Supporting New Teachers with Authentic Speaking and Listening," (ASCD article), Julia Mason Wasson (2012)
related studies and articles
“In Brief: The Science of Early Childhood Development.” n.d. Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. Accessed March 9, 2018. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-science-of-ecd/.
“Let’s Talk: Restorative Justice Practices.” n.d. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Accessed March 9, 2018. https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/12/05/lets-talk-restorative-justice-practices.
“Making Peace.” n.d. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Accessed March 9, 2018. https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/uk/15/12/making-peace.